Oportunidades de Investigación Públicas

04-07-2023 Distribución de sillones en la Clínica Odontológica CODUC
La Clínica Odontológica CODUC es el principal campo clínico de la Escuela de Odontología de la UC, donde los estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado realizan su práctica clínica. Ubicado en el Campus San Joaquín, CODUC cuenta con una infraestructura de seis pisos y 108 boxes de atención clínica, ofrece servicios odontológicos de primer nivel realizados por estudiantes bajo la supervisión directa de docentes. Cada año, la asignación de los sillones de atención y la distribución de los estudiantes y tutores se realiza manualmente por el Director de la clínica, un proceso que presenta una complejidad significativa. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar un modelo optimización que facilite esta tarea. El modelo deberá tener en cuenta varios factores, como el número de estudiantes por curso, los horarios, la distribución de grupos con un tutor, y la necesidad de mantener a los grupos de trabajo de tutores lo más juntos posible para facilitar la supervisión clínica.
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisitos:  IIC1103

Tiene un método de evaluación Nota 1-7, con 10 créditos y tiene 2/2 vacantes disponibles

Mentor(es): Ver en la plataforma
19-07-2021 Programación de sesiones de quimioterapia en el sistema de salud público
En esta investigación se busca utilizar herramientas avanzadas de Investigación de Operaciones para enfrentar las diferentes complicaciones que conlleva la programación del tratamiento de quimioterapia para pacientes con cáncer que se atienden en el sistema de salud público.
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisitos:  no tiene.

Tiene un método de evaluación Nota 1-7, con 10 créditos y tiene 1/2 vacantes disponibles

Mentor(es): Ver en la plataforma
19-07-2021 Programación de un torneo deportivo
En esta investigación utilizamos herramientas avanzadas de Investigación de Operaciones para encontrar la manera de programar un torneo deportivo con consideraciones de atractivo y competitividad.
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisitos:  no tiene.

Tiene un método de evaluación Nota 1-7, con 10 créditos y tiene 1/2 vacantes disponibles

Mentor(es): Ver en la plataforma
28-07-2020 Control Avanzado en Modular Multilevel Cascaded Converters (MMCCs)
Tres posibles trabajos en esta área: 1) Optimización on-line/off-line de referencias internas (corrientes circulantes y voltaje de modo común) de un MMCC para minimizar pérdidas u oscilación en voltaje de capacitores. 2) Control Phase-Shift descentralizado en MMCCs. 3) Observadores para tolerancia a fallas en MMCCs (e.g. sliding mode observers)
Prerequisitos:  IEE3243

Tiene un método de evaluación Nota 1-7, con 10 créditos y tiene 2/3 vacantes disponibles

Mentor(es): Ver en la plataforma
14-07-2020 Programación de itinerarios cargueros considerando restricciones geométricas de los pedidos
Al planificar los itinerarios de aviones cargueros, las aerolíneas por lo general consideran el peso de la carga y el volumen informado por el cliente. Sin embargo, no se toman en cuenta la geometría específica de cada pedido. Esto puede provocar que carga originalmente asignada a un vuelo, no sea factible embarcarla debido a sus dimensiones. Este problema fue abordado recientemente por un alumno de magíster quien formuló un modelo de programación matemática que busca diseñar el itinerario de aviones cargueros que maximice las utilidades asociadas al transporte de carga, respetando las restricciones geométricas de los pedidos a transportar. Resolver directamente este problema es computacionalmente muy demandante en tiempo. El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar un algoritmo de solución para el problema planteado anteriormente que pueda ser resuelto en un tiempo razonable. Además, el estudiante deberá diseñar experimentos para probar la calidad del método a desarrollar.
Prerequisitos:  IIC2115

Tiene un método de evaluación Nota 1-7, con 10 créditos y tiene 1/1 vacantes disponibles

Mentor(es): Ver en la plataforma

Public Research Opportunities

Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
14-07-2023 Methodology for the optimization of ventilation indoor
This project seeks to develop a methodology capable of optimizing the ventilation of confined spaces, based on the application of numerical modeling techniques and analytical tools. Confined spaces such as industrial sectors, mines, tunnels, among others, present difficulties in air quality and therefore have important effects on the health of people inside. By analyzing components such as spatial geometry, air flows and ventilation needs, it is expected to design a methodology capable of determining the best strategies for the effective exchange of air volumes.
Keywords:       Optimización CFD ventilación
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
05-07-2023 Optimization and Machine Learning in complex problems under uncertainty
This opportunity aims to explore different topics and methodologies in the area of ​​Optimization in complex problems, especially when there is uncertainty in data or model parameters. This is a natural concern in almost all real optimization applications and has become increasingly relevant in recent years. In addition, the methods that come from the areas of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence provide great opportunities to complement traditional methods. The research will explore problems in complex areas such as natural resources and health systems management. At least the Optimization course and the Optimization Methods course are required. A good management of Probabilities and Statistics also helps
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisites:  IIC1103

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 2/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisites:  IIC1103

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisites:  ICS1113

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Prerequisites:  ICS1113 IIC2613

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
24-01-2022 Atomic norm regularization with generic atoms
Atomic norm regularization consists in considering an atomic set that forms the building blocks for a class of objects of interest, to then use the Minkowski functional associated to its convex hull as a regularizer. A problem of the convex hull is masking: any atom in the interior of the hull will never be selected when reconstructing an object. In practice, this is avoided by normalizing the atoms. However, this may destroy the structure of the atomic set. In this iPre, we will study strategies to avoid masking, and we will propose a reconstruction method where each atom has a chance of being selected.
Prerequisites:  IMT2113

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
23-12-2021 EMS vehicle management
Application of data analysis tools, as well as math programming techniques is required, to optimally design an emergency system operated by a private company that responds to emergencies at work or during commuting.
Prerequisites:  ICS1113

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 1/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       Optimización
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 1/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
08-04-2021 Mathematical methods for the deconvolution problem
One of the main properties of an optical system is its resolution. This is defined as the minimum separation between two ideal point sources so that they can be distinguished from one another when observed through the system. In practice, the diffraction of light imposes a physical limit to the resolution of the system. For a linear system, this process is typically modeled by a convolution by the Point Spread Function (PSF). For this reason, a technique that improves the resolution of the system can be interpreted as a deconvolution method. The objective of this project is to study mathematical methods proposed in the literature in the past decade, which combine applied Fourier analysis, convex optimization, and probability, for which there exists conditions that ensure they solve the superresolution problem in a computationally efficient manner.
Prerequisites:  IMT2113

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Prerequisites:  ICS2123 ICS2121

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Prerequisites:  IEE3243

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 2/3 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
20-07-2020 Optimization of production planning with learning problems, cutting stock and pricing
It will examine the effect of learning curves on problems that are based on cutting-stock and pricing. To do this is to use programming models non-linear and linear-integer, they study the effect of learning curves on the productive choices. You manage the optimization and basic computer skills.
Prerequisites:  ICS1113

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Prerequisites:  IIC2115

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 1/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
07-12-2018 Deconvolution and optimal transport
One of the main properties of an optical system is its resolution. This is defined as the minimum separation between two ideal point sources so that they can be distinguished from one another when observed through the system. In practice, the diffraction of light imposes a physical limit to the resolution of the system. For a linear system, this process is typically modeled by a convolution by the Point Spread Function (PSF). For this reason, a technique that improves the resolution of the system can be interpreted as a deconvolution method. The objective of this project is to study the connection between deconvolution methods and optimal transport, and how the performance of deconvolution methods based on optimal transport compare to the state of the art.
Prerequisites:  ICS113H IMT2113

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
13-07-2018 Data-driven stochastic programming
This project seeks to explore the theoretical foundations and the practical applications of the programming stochastic-based data, in particular, of the optimization distribucionalmente robust. Review of the papers fundamental of the topic and you will experience computationally with the models and solution techniques.
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       simulación optimización entera
Prerequisites:  ICS1113

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform