Oportunidades de Investigación Públicas

Public Research Opportunities

Keywords:       geotermia zona de falla
Prerequisites:  ICE2028

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
Keywords:       geotermia desarrollo política pública
Prerequisites:  ICE2623

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
17-07-2020 Gravity inversion system for a andean geothermal system
This research is focused on the analysis of gravity data taken in the field trip of the past summer, to establish the nature of the subsoil of a low-enthalpy geothermal Andean system. Results will allow defining the 3D architecture of the system for more efficient use of the geothermal resource.
Prerequisites:  ICE2028

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
26-04-2020 Structural study of the årea of Liquiñe to the direct use of geothermal energy
The objective of the research is to determine the architecture of the system geothermal of Liquiñe, for the direct use of the energy geotėrmica in the greenhouse
Keywords:       geotermia Emprendimiento Social
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/3 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
06-12-2018 Design of multimedia contents for public outreach of the Liquiñe Geothermal System, Los Ríos Region
This course aims to generate and disseminate the results obtained in the framework of project FONDECYT Nº 1180167 and the Center of Excellence for Geothermal energy of The Andes (CEGA). Students will produce multimedia content for mass dissemination in public spaces that account for the importance of the System of Fault of the Liquiñe-Ofqui and Faults that Cross The Andes in the generation and evolution of fields geothermal assets in the Region of The Rivers. This course is an investigation of a multidisciplinary nature that involves the understanding and synthesis of information obtained in investigations by the geological and social. It also seeks to have an impact on the diffusion on an academic level and in the education into the communities of the region.
Keywords:       geotermia diseño informacion
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/2 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform