Oportunidades de Investigación Públicas

Public Research Opportunities

13-07-2023 Bio-inspired plants water harvesting
The shape of cacti and other plants from semi- and arid regions have been evolutionarily optimized to increase water harvesting from water vapor and fog. This IPRE aims to carry out a detailed bibliographic review of the collection process from the point of view of fluid mechanics, and to develop experiments with 3D printed structures that allow optimizing the shape according to the physical mechanisms that govern the process of droplet formation and collection. The work involves a theoretical approach, but also experimental. The laboratory work is based on the application of 3D manufacturing techniques, and on the measurement of physical processes by means of optical techniques.
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform
18-07-2022 Analysis of turbulent decay behind a grid.
Experimental study of the turbulence decay behind a grid, using optical methods and image analysis.
Keywords:       turbulencia PIV decaimiento
Prerequisites:  None.

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform